Saturday, March 13, 2010


A lot has been said about freedom. Some has made its equation to their status in a nation, others have turned t into a movement. Some refer to it as their status in a document whilst others prefer the more ambigous version. Whatever form it takes, freedom is indeed a very precious commodity to mankind.

Not many though has explored what, in my mind, real freedom is. To me there is no freedom unless we can have freedom of mind.

'Surely, such a simple thing that is' some say 'as no one knows what I think, so no one can stop me from thinking whatever thoughts I want to'. Indeed that is how it appears to be. We are so presumptous of the fact that we have always been free to think our thoughts. 'As long as it stays in my mind, no one can stop what I'm thinking' say others.

Truth be told, it is indeed a fallacy. A fantasy we create to provide us with the illusion that we are being who we think we are. The very same fantasy that allows us to live with the illusion that we have control over our own lives, our views, our likes and our dislikes.

In reality, we are only able to think what we allow ourselves to think. We filter our minds with taboos, prejudices, impressions, training, culture and many other factors, internal or otherwise. We think according to certain specified criteria we have set for ourselves. Some of which, were colored by our past experiences of triumphs, defeats, joys, sorrows and added to that would also be scars from the past.

This would bring us face to face with the most powerful culprit, FEAR. I believe it is the single most important factor in shaping our thought process, by erecting walls of limitations in our mind. Fear enslaves us, thus taking away our freedom of thought.

The irony of it all is, we are the one who puts in these limitations ourselves. We are the ones enslaving our own minds!

Imagine, how we would think if we could only strip our mind off these limitations!

To start with, the song Imagine by John Lennon comes to mind. Most would not understand it. Some would label it blasphemous. Others would even consider it the rantings of a twisted mind. With freedom of mind, though, one could actually appreciate it and see things in a totally different light. New perspectives would begin to open and we would be amazed at our impression of things we have long taken for granted.

Someone I knew has recently managed to pull herself out from a rut she was tragically stuck in for some years. One day after her recovery, she drove back to her parents place and was delightfully surprised to find that her way home was shaded with trees lining both sides of the streets, giving her a welcoming feeling of comfort. It was so amazing to her because the trees has been there for years and is the only road leading back to her home all the while. But she has never noticed it till now!

Soon, new opportunities begins to open for her when there was only setbacks previously. Things just somehow managed to work itself out and the woman whose life was stuck in a rut is beginning to fly like a butterfly.

Amazing, what freedom of mind can do to you.

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